Tagged "Book Review"

Book review - Frontend Development with JavaFX and Kotlin

For a personal pet project, I started experimenting with JavaFX and Kotlin to create a user interface with a lot of Java / Kotlin background processing. As I knew there is a book available on this specific topic, Apress was so kind to send me a review copy of Frontend Development with JavaFX and Kotlin: Build State-of-the-Art Kotlin GUI Applications by Peter Späth (152 pages, 48€ on paper, 35.

Book review - Modern frontends with htmx

People who follow me, probably know I have a big love for user interface development with JavaFX (for desktop), and Vaadin (for browser). But as always, there are different solutions for every challenge, and building a web user interface with Java can be done with other frameworks. htmx seems to be one of those hot new rising stars, and I already wanted to dive deeper into it, but didn’t find the time yet.

Book review - Practical Design Patterns for Java Developers

Hone your software design skills by implementing popular design patterns in Java This book is for sale on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback editions. Book cover Book backside Miroslav Wengner Introduction I’ve been programming since I was 10y old but graduated from film school as a video editor, so I never learned the “official” way to be a programmer.

Book review - Learn JavaFX Game and App Development with FXGL 17

This summer I read the book “Entreprenerd” by Bruno Lowagie. It tells the story of how he started with the iText PDF Java library and turned that into a company together with his wife, and eventually sold it with all problems related to most sales and acquisitions trajects… In “Entreprenerd”, he also describes the process of writing two books about the iText library itself, as there were no good manuals available and he wanted to liberate himself from the ever-returning same questions.