Tagged "JavaOnRaspberryPi"

Links of the Presentation: What I Learned About OpenJDK As a Docs Writer

These are all the links of my presentation at the JChampions Conference, Monday January 29, 2024, 16:00 CET.

Running a CRaC Java application on Raspberry Pi - UPDATE

On July 15th of 2023, I published a post here about my initial experiments with CRaC on the Raspberry Pi.

Controlling LED strips with Java

One of the most “fancy” electronic components is definitely a LED strip.

Links of the Presentation: Unlocking the Potential of Bits and Bytes

These are all the links of my presentation at Devoxx Belgium, Wednesday 12:00-12:50, Room 7.

Pi4J Operating System for Raspberry Pi

Yes, the Raspberry Pi Operating System is awesome! But the Pi4J project made it if even more awesome by adding “goodies” for Java developers!

Reading the temperature, humidity, and pressure from a BME280 Sensor with Java, Pi4J, I2C, SPI, and JBang

To make it as easy as possible to get started with Java on the Raspberry Pi to interact with electronic components, I started a new section on the Pi4J website with JBang examples.

Running a CRaC Java application on Raspberry Pi

With the April release of the Zulu Build of OpenJDK, Azul announced the integration of CRaC in its version 17 of Java for Linux.

One Year as a Technical Writer at Azul: A Journey of Growth and Learning.

Writing has always been my passion, and even in my previous jobs as a developer, I stood out as the one who enjoyed creating and maintaining documentation.

Building OpenJDK on Raspberry Pi

The OpenJDK sources are now fully available and developed on GitHub as a result of Project Skara.

Getting Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi

For sale as ebook on Leanpub, with continuous free updates!