Tagged "Raspberry Pi OS"

First experiments with Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4

I’m one of those people with boxes full of devices, waiting to be used in experiments… And from time to time, I dive into those boxes to fill in the gaps in between other tasks. So these are the results of my first Raspberry Pi Compute Module experiments!

JFXDays presentation - Having fun with Java and JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi

Today I could give my talk “Having fun with Java and JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi” at the JFXDays. Normally this event takes place in Zurich, but this year also went virtual because… well because of 2020…

Building OpenJDK on Raspberry Pi

The OpenJDK sources are now fully available and developed on GitHub as a result of Project Skara. Thanks to a lot of work done by the community, the full Java development flow has been migrated to GitHub while keeping the repository history. This process has been described on the GitHub blog.

Visual Studio Code on the Raspberry Pi (with 32 and 64-bit OS)

In my book “Getting Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi”, I give more info about IDEs (= Integrated Development Environment) for Java development. My prefered ones are JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA and Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSC).

64-bit Raspberry Pi OS on Raspberry Pi 4 with USB BOOT

A micro SD card is the default way to add an operating system to the Raspberry Pi. But there is an alternative you need to consider if you want to make your system more reliable. SD cards are not super fast and can get corrupted when you are writing a lot to disc.

Why you should learn to program on the Raspberry Pi

In this article “Java vs Python - Which Programming Language Should Programmer Learn First?” by Javin Paul, you can find a comparison between the two most popular programming languages. Of course, as being a Java-developer myself, it’s not a mystery which I would prefer ;-)

How to install and use Java 11 and JavaFX 11 on Raspberry Pi boards with ARMv6 processor

In a previous post “Installing Java and JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi”, you can read how to install BellSoft LibericaJDK to be able to run JavaFX applications with a graphical user interface on a Raspberry Pi with ARMv7 or ARMv8 processor.

Comparing a REST H2 Spring versus Quarkus application on Raspberry Pi

Goal of this comparison

In my previous post “A Spring REST and H2 database application on the Raspberry Pi” an example was described to store sensors and measurements in a H2-database through REST API’s with a Spring application on the Raspberry Pi. This application takes some time to start on a Raspberry Pi, and Adam Bien who makes the airhacks.fm podcast asked me if I could compare this to a similar Quarkus application.

Joining the Pi4J team

In my book “Getting Started with Java on Raspberry Pi” I dedicated a chapter on Pi4J, the leading framework to combine the power of Java with the hardware capabilities of the Raspberry Pi. This project which was started in 2012 by Robert Savage, evolved during the years to be able to support all the different Raspberry Pi-versions and many types of hardware components.

Installing Java and JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi

One of the most read articles on this blog is about the installation of a recent Java on Raspberry Pi (March 13, 2019), so it’s time for an update!

PiJava - Part 2 - Installing Java 11 on a Raspberry PI 3 Model B+

After my first (and failed) attempt to get Java 11 running on an old Raspberry PI, I bought a brand new 3 Model B+ version.

PiJava - Part 1 - Trying to run Java 11 on an old Raspberry PI

One of my goals for 2019 is experimenting with the latest Java and JavaFX versions on a Raspberry PI. After my experiments with the Python Pong game I was not very happy with the GUI I could build with Python and definitely wanted to try something similar, but with JavaFX which I like much more.

Pong on a Raspberry PI

As a self-study project I experimented to create a Pong game + slide shown on a Raspberry PI with Tkinter, GPIO and physical buttons.